A Young Boy Shares His Name
What do you do if you share a name with your favorite comic character? Does it end up shaping you? Are you subconsciously trying to live up to their image? It’s hard to tell.
There are worse questions to have about yourself though, aren’t there?
In any case – Hi! I’m Bruce Taylor. I’m a marketing buff in my professional time, but in my free time I immerse myself in all things nerdy. I love comics, games and films, and have grown up surrounded by the boom of modern media. Many an hour has been spent on online games, on watching shows and movies…
And of course, on pouring over comics.

A Blog By Any Other Name
With my love of Batman growing up, it felt right to name the blog after some element of his story, somehow. I didn’t want to be too on the nose with it, but I wanted that element, that kudos. However, I also wanted something that reflects my lifestyle.
I am an active person, going all over the place on a regular basis. Because of this, I figured it’d only be fair to put that into the title. And thus, Gotham2Go was born. A snappy little title, isn’t it?

All Comics All The Time?
Just because DC are the apple of my eye doesn’t mean I want to limit myself to just writing about them. There’s a lot of comics out there, among other things, and I want to explore it all.
So expect to see a variety of topics covered, albeit with a primary comic-based focus.
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